PAY YOUR RENT (TODD is manager)


Click the red link “PAY YOUR RENT”  to be redirected to a secured site at ZEGO powered by PayLease.  This is a third party site we have partnered with to at make paying your rent convenient.  It is simple to set up an account.  In the property box:  select the person/entity you pay your rent to.  In the unit box:  type your street address (city, state and zip are not needed).  Make on-line payments or even set up  a monthly auto-pay (never be late again).  There is no charge to pay from your checking account.  There is a fee to pay with a credit card and debit cards are not accepted.  To see information about the security of the ZEGO site, click this link PayLease Security Compliance.  If you have any problems processing the payment, contact ZEGO directly at 866-729-5327, option 1.

If you don’t have a checking account, you can still pay with cash or a debit card at Walmart, King Soopers or Kmart (Click to Check Participating Locations Near You).  Save time, gas and stamps by using this option instead of buying a money order (which can be lost or stolen).  There is a nominal $4.00 convenience fee charged by ZEGO.  For more information, click the following links.

Pay With Cash – Basics              Pay With Cash – More Details